Michael J. Landry, DDS
Thank you for visiting our website concerning dental sleep medicine. I anticipate you will be able to find helpful information educating yourself on how to get a better night sleep. Allow me to briefly introduce myself: my name is Michael J. Landry, DDS, D.ABDSM. I am a general dentist who has been in practice since 1981 in Houston, Texas. I have a thriving dental practice and am rewarded daily by serving my patients in achieving optimal health combined with a holistic approach.
I attended Lamar University and the University of Texas Health Science Center Dental School San Antonio. After graduating in 1981, I chose to set up practice in Harris County, where we continue to grow, give back to the community and serve others.
I have written a book, “A Category of One: Beyond the Boundaries of Dentistry,” which shares my story of differentiating yourself through excellence, education, technology and philanthropy.
Several years ago, I began assisting my patients with snoring and sleep apnea and their struggles with their CPAP machines. Many patients who were prescribed CPAP machines did not like them or simply stopped wearing them all together. This is an unhealthy and dangerous thing to do. That is why I have chosen to focus on this unique part of dentistry. As a dentist, it is my goal to provide the highest quality of care in the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
Through advanced education and successfully treating patients, I decided to dedicate the future of my practice to dental sleep medicine. I am qualified through the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine to fabricate appliances that are FDA approved to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. These oral appliances are covered by most medical insurances.
Whether you are a current CPAP user, intolerant to using the CPAP for any reason, a snorer (or have been told you are), or simply not feeling like you are experiencing good, restful sleep, know that you have now found a solution-based practice.
Please enjoy the helpfulness of my website to begin a healthier lifestyle.
Professional Accomplishments
Michael J. Landry, DDS, D.ABDSM
- Published Author, “A Category of One: Beyond the Boundaries of Dentistry”
- Diplomate, American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (D.AADSM)
- Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD)
- Fellow, International Congress of Oral Implantologists (FICOI)
- Fellow, Misch International Implant Institute (FMIII)
- Fellow, Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry (FIALD)
- Fellow, International College of Dentists (FICD)
- Fellow, American Society of Dental Aesthetics (FASDA)
- Fellow, Academy of Dental Facial Aesthetics (FADFA
- Diplomate, American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry (ABAD)